Alex Gabriel

Writer. Reader. Romancer.

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Nix and hunter go live

still waters 200

A reformed nix. A deadly hunter. And an uneasy truce that may destroy them both.

“Still Waters” is now up on All Romance and Smashwords, for free. I’m so excited that this story is finally available for everyone, and I can’t wait to hear what people will think.

Check it out if you’re interested in dark myth-inspired worlds, water shifters, ginger mermen, and/or two natural enemies (and alpha males) trying to work together to take down a common threat… only to discover a dangerous attraction along the way.

island japan smallThe story is also available on Amazon, but since it’s not possible to set the price at 0.00 there, it isn’t free yet. It will be, though. In a few days (hopefully), Amazon will price-match the story down to nothing, and then it will be free everywhere.

I’ll keep you posted!