Alex Gabriel

Writer. Reader. Romancer.

Legal Notice

Alex Schmidt, Hausdorffstr. 82, 53129 Bonn, Germany

Phone: + 49 228 – 925 961 27
Fax: + 49 228 – 925 961 28


Responsible for the content of this site (§ 55 RStV): Alex Schmidt, Hausdorffstr. 82, 53129 Bonn, Germany

Website content

The content of this website was composed with due diligence and by the author’s best knowledge. I can be held liable only by general laws, especially for my own content (§ 7 TMG, German Telemedia Act) and for external content (§§ 8 – 10 TMG). As a Provider of telemedia I can be held liable for external contents only once I have knowledge of a concrete infringement of law. I reserve the right to change or delete contents of this website which are not subject to any contractual obligation.

Links to external websites

Contents of external websites which I link to either directly or indirectly (through „hyperlinks“ or „deeplinks“) are beyond my responsibility and are not adopted as my own content. At the time the links were published, I had no knowledge of any illegal activities or contents on the websites in question. Since I have no control over the contents of these websites, I distance myself from all contents of linked websites which were updated after I set the links. Only the provider of the linked websites can be held liable for all contents, and especially for damages resulting from the use of the linked websites. If I receive knowledge of illegal contents on websites I link to, I will delete the according links.

Intellectual property rights

All contents of this website, especially texts, pictures, images, graphical presentations, music, trademarks, brands and so forth, are subject to copyright laws. The use, reproduction and so on are subject to the individual rights of the respective owner of the copyright or the administrator of these rights.